Wednesday, August 29

Motivation is what we need - how do we think positive and how do we get motivated?


Words of encouragement, affirmation, how to get motivated, inspiration and motivation - what do these words have in common?

They all have to do with feeling great!  If everyone knew how to get motivated, they wouldn't even need encouragement or inspiration from anyone but themselves, right?  Not necessarily - and here is why:

Truly "being motivated" isn't the act of being positive and encouraged - it's merely the ability to get you to that state.  The feeling of "being positive" or having "happy thoughts" is simply the outcome of the decision made.  Think of it this way, once you've accepted the decision of the reality you're willing to create then the rest is simply going to happen.  

Here are a few things that can help you along the way
1) Inspirational or motivational quotes - Louise Hay Affirmations is a great one at
2) Motivational movies, motivational poems or anything in between
3) Motivational music or posters 

The key to this working is that you have to increase the number of positive things around you.  If you never change'll never change :)

Demand Success 



  1. It's amazing that something as simple as words can affect how you feel and what you do in life, even the act of smiling when you are not happy can actually make you feel better.

  2. Lately, my friend has been negative lately. After reading this post, she's changed a lot, and in a good way of course. Thank you!
